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    Easy Ways to Make a Springtime Charcuterie Board


    We are never lacking from inspiration at Terrapin Ridge Farms. Our community Wows us everyday with creative recipes and ideas. For this spring season, we gathered some of our favorite boards created by you and highlighted the details that make them
    shine like spring.

    Spring Celebration
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    From thegathergrazeco on instagram

    Beautiful blue and purple flowers add depth to the board. Different from the light pastels we normally see in spring. Fun!

    Ideal to incorporate fruits with bright colors

    Bacon Pepper Dip brings a smoky, sweet sensation to the cheese and meat pairings. Almost like you are sitting next a grill on your back patio.

    From @joyesgonegrazey on instagram

    Nothing says spring like a daisy. We like how she places some of the daisies in the center of the grapes, creating an edible grape flower.

    She adds more flower details with the salami lily. To copy this place the salami lily on the brie, or 'lily pad' of brie and then add leaves around the lily. So cute!

    This board has great movement. Start at one point on the bottom of the board and lay the pieces going in opposite directions to copy this effect.

    From @atastytray on instagram

    Green, reds, pinks, and light blues are perfect for spring.

    Light cheeses like goat, emmental, brie, and cheddar are ideal for a spring board.

    Use fruits like kiwi, strawberries, dragon fruit and raspberries, and apricots.

    From @joyesgonegrazey on instagram

    When the flowers bloom the bees come out! Honeycomb is a delicious and beautiful addition to any board, but we especially love it for spring.

    Arrange smaller fruits like grapes and raspberries in bundles of three to create petite fruit flowers.

    Hot Pepper Berry Bacon Jam is a great choice for a spring board. The burst of berry flavor and sweet smoke flavor reminiscent of the grill. All the spring feels!

    If possible, eat your board outside in the sunshine!!